Picture of Margaret Finds A Future

Margaret Finds A Future

Published 2011. Complete and unabridged

Spine and corners bumped.

Margaret Finds A Future is one of the most rare of Mabel Esther Allan’s titles, and only a few collectors have copies.

When 17 year old Margaret has to leave school and face a new life, she travels in mid winter to stay with an unknown aunt in Norfolk, the custodian of Great Melveney Hall. At first Margaret finds life very difficult but she grows to love the house and what she is doing. She makes friends, and eventually finds a job after her own heart. When spring comes to Melveney, she looks forward with hope and excitement towards the future.

Included in the book are not only some of the author’s comments on the setting and the cover, but also a short story, Danger on the Saltings, also set in Norfolk, which is not even in her privately printed collections.

Sheila Ray has written an absolutely fascinating introduction on Mabel Esther Allan and her life and work, and Helen Ware has compiled a bibliography of all Mabel Esther Allan's books.

Author Mabel Esther Allan
Publisher Girls Gone By Publishers
Type Paperback
Condition Good
Book tags
Girlsown (626)