Picture of The MacIains of Glen Gillean

The MacIains of Glen Gillean

Published 2013. Complete and unabridged

Spine and corners bumped.

At 17, Ellery MacIan had never seen the family home in Glen Gillean, but when her uncle wrote that he was ill and asked that his five children might be cared for, Ellery confidently volunteered to go alone.

The High School girl found a queer foreign atmosphere in the Highlands, and her cousins were wild children who resented her presence.

There was Eilidh, who at 16 had a gift for music and art, and Niall, a year younger, who took himself off on an expedition as soon as Ellery arrived. Mairi, 14, was the easiest to approach, because she really longed to go to school, and the two youngest ones, Muireall and Alasdair, the most difficult.

It was not until danger threatened the beloved house of Glen Gillean and a thrilling adventure encompassed them all, that the MacIains became united in a common cause.

We shall also be including a short story by MEA, Deborah Goes to Scotland (Rebels in the Heather) which the author felt ‘had faint echoes of The MacIains of Glen Gillean’.

Author Mabel Esther Allan
Publisher Girls Gone By Publishers
Type Paperback
Condition Good
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